sábado, 10 de março de 2012


Any coincidence with reality can be ilusion?

There are about three years, this exact date, I received the email from a person who said the following:

"PS I went through the same situation, so I know how you feel. Do not lose hope! It will be back!"

At the time I could not believe it and thought it was a way to change my mind! Last year I realized it was 100% true ...

Now I'm sure that was the same thing, the same disease, the same hospital, the same drugs (Chlorpromazine lot), without sleep, without leaving home without help, without hope and counted against the world - and in the same young age! She must be very strong to overcome, transform, reivent youself - beat the world as I did!

Made a mistake: Messing with me is one thing, I'm used to it! But with she it is madness, crazyness, unforgiven... May think a million time before to do it!!!

 Now it's personal ...

I refused to walk away from the fight! It's my nature to go right until the end, this is what i'm going to do...

This time has to by my way!!! I don't care what happens, it has to be my way...

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